FREE EPIPHANY LESSON: Click here to download your free Mini Revolutions lesson for Epiphany. Illustrated Ministry’s Mini Revolutions is a weekly lectionary-based curriculum. Hundreds of churches around the world use this curriculum resource, and we’ve received positive feedback from folx who are using it with their communities. You can use Mini Revolutions as your traditional […]
On Pentecost Unleash the Astonishing Power and Presence of God’s Holy Spirit
So…Pentecost. Where did it come from? What is it? And how can you talk about it with kids? Not until I was in my ministry career did I know what Pentecost was. If this is you, no shame. Some churches don’t celebrate it. On the other hand, some churches celebrate it without much explanation at […]
The Lord’s Prayer: An Illustrated Curriculum
Illustrated Ministry has published three 12-week curricula over the past few years: An Illustrated Earth: Celebrating God’s Creation An Illustrated Compassion: Learning to Love Like God An Illustrated Invitation: Joining God at Work in the World The feedback we’ve received on our curricula has been very positive and tells us we’re creating something new in […]